Information Technology (IT)
Diamond Trust consult on the following areas
Analysis of Computer Needs
- Evaluating current systems
- Examining plans for expansion
- Optimisation of the potential use of computer systems in your operation
- Identifying areas or procedures for automation which may or may not be appropriate
Software Selection
- Selecting appropriate software to suit your needs
- Evaluating Documentation
- Ensuring that the package can adapt to your changing needs
- Ease of use and proficiency
- Ensuring widest possible use for the software package

Hardware Selection
- Ensuring compatibility of computer systems and selected software
- Evaluation of various systems in terms of performance, reliability, vendor support, maintenance, upgradability and cost
- Advising on hardware maintenance
- Identifying the most appropriate sources to purchase hardware

- Identifying appropriate network systems for cost effective implementation and operation
- Effective integration of the system with daily operations
- Ensuring staff are properly trained
- Testing of System

We look forward to discussing your specific requirements.
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